Images below of incredible severe thunder storm driven by smoke
plume from Pagami Creek fire in BWCA near Ely. Produced
mesocyclone with hail over Cook County. Sky was black with pea
sized to one inch hail with ash in it. Images from 4pm Monday
September 12, 2011 below.
Looking west over
Grand Marais, Minnesota at head of Pagami Creek fire. Approx. 60
miles away.
Looking north over
Gunflint Trail, Minnesota at smoke filled mammatus clouds caused
by Pagami Creek smoke plume
Another image
looking north over Gunflint Trail, Minnesota at smoke filled
mammatus clouds caused by Pagami Creek smoke plume.
For more info go
to InciWeb operated by federal agencies trying to provide
uniform information about national incidents. Info is poorly
presented, conflicting and sugarcoated... a new window will open.